Selected and recent (and abandoned here) publications:
See also my full publication list here
My citation list and citation indices are available also on Google Scholar citations
and on:
- Dominik Krengel, Haoran Jiang, Takashi Matsushima, Raphael Blumenfeld,
Phys. Rev. E , submitted (2025).
Effects of particle angularity on granular self-organization
Clara C. Wanjura, Amelie Mayländer, Othmar Marti, Raphael Blumenfeld, , preprint (2024).
Detailed balance in non-equilibrium dynamics of granular matter: derivation and implications
Chenyang Huang, Yang Yu, Peter R. King, Bin Cheng, Raphael Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. , submitted (2024).
Structure-dependent fragmentation risk of rubble-pile asteroids on low-impacts
Raphael Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 109, 014901 (2024).
Granular solids transmit stress as two-phase composites
Paula A. Gago, Marcos A. Madrid, Stefan Boettcher, Raphael Blumenfeld, Peter King, Powder Technology 428, 118842 (2023).
Effect of bevelled silo outlet in the flow rate during discharge;
Alex D. C. Myhill, RaphaelBlumenfeld, J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 345001 (2023).
Steady states of two-dimensional granular systems are unique, stable, and sometimes satisfy detailed balance
Xiaoling Wang, RaphaelBlumenfeld, Xi-QiaoFeng, David A.Weitz, Physics of Life Reviews 43, 98 (2022); DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2022.09.004.
Phase transitions in bacteria - From structural transitions in free living bacteria to phenotypic transitions in bacteria within biofilms
Xiaoyu Jiang, Raphael Blumenfeld, Takashi Matsushima, Journal xxx, submitted (2022).
Coordinated Stress-Structure Self-Organization in Granular Packing
Raphael Blumenfeld, , (2022).
Comment on "Explicit analytical solution for random close packing in d=2 and d=3" PRL 128, 028002 (2022)
Raphael Blumenfeld, Journal xxx, submitted (2022).
Sub-anomalous diffusion and unusual velocity distribution evolution in cooling granular gases: theory
Xulai Sun, Yinqiao Wang, Yujie Wang, Raphael Blumenfeld, Jie Zhang, , submitted (2021).
Experimental evidence of detailed balance in granular systems
Raphael Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett.127, 259901 (2021).
Erratum: Disorder Criterion and Explicit Solution for the Disc Random Packing Problem
Raphael Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett.127, 118002 (2021).
Disorder Criterion and Explicit Solution for the Disc Random Packing Problem
X. Jiang, T. Matsushima, R. Blumenfeld, EPJ Web Conf., 249, 06004 (2021).
Structural characteristics of ordered clusters in packs of ellipses
T. Matsushima, R. Blumenfeld, EPJ Web Conf., 249, 02006 (2021).
Statistical properties of cell stresses in 2D granular solids
P. Liu, X. Ran, Q. Cheng, W. Tang, J. Zhou, R. Blumenfeld, Appl. Sci. 11, 2054 (2021).
Locomotion of Self-Excited Vibrating and Rotating Objects in Granular Environments
X. Sun, W. Kob, R. Blumenfeld, H. Tong, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 125, 268005 (2020).
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.268005 )
Friction-controlled entropy-stability competition in granular systems
P. Liu, X. Ran, R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted (2020).
Sink-rise dynamics of horizontally oscillating active matter in granular media: Theory
C.C. Wanjura, P.A. Gago, T. Matsushima, R. Blumenfeld, Granular Matter 22, 91 (2020).
Structural Evolution of Granular Systems: Theory
(; Arxiv:
R. Blumenfeld, Granular Matter 22, 38 (2020).
The unusual problem of upscaling isostaticity theory for granular matter
Y-J. Feng, R. Blumenfeld and C. Liu, Soft Matter 15,3008 (2019).
Support of Modified Archimedes' Law Theory in Granular Media
(DOI: 10.1039/C8SM02480D)
C. Revell, R. Blumenfeld and K. J. Chalut, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 286, 20182495 (2019).
Force-based three-dimensional model predicts mechanical drivers of cell sorting
M. Schwartz and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 98, 042905 (2018).
Stress Tensor for Dense Granular Flow in Plug-Free Regions
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.042905;
C. M. Verstreken, K. J. Chalut and R. Blumenfeld, Soft Matter 14, 6554 (2018).
Equally probable positive and negative Poisson's ratios in disordered planar systems
(DOI: 10.1039/C8SM00717A)
W. Kang, Y. Feng, C. Liu and R. Blumenfeld, Nature Comm.9, 1101 (2018).
Archimedes' law explains penetration of solids into granular media
(DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03344-3)
S. Amitai, A. Bertei and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 96, 052903 (2017).
Theory-based design of sintered granular composites triples three-phase boundary in fuel cells
S. Amitai and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 95, 052905 (2017).
Affine and topological structural entropies in granular statistical mechanics: explicit calculations and equation of state
R. Blumenfeld, S. Amitai, J.F. Jordan and R. Hihinashvili, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 039802 (2017).
Reply to comment on "On the failure of the volume function in granular statistical mechanics and an alternative formulation"
T. Matsushima and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 95, 032905 (2017).
Fundamental structural characteristics of planar granular assemblies: self-organisation and scaling away friction and initial state
R. Blumenfeld and J. Ma, J. Gran. Matt.19:29 (2017); DOI 10.1007/s10035-017-0707-8; (also
Bending back stress chains and unique behaviour of granular matter in cylindrical geometries
S. Amitai and R. Blumenfeld, J. Gran. Matt. 19, 1-9 (2017)
Modifying continuous-time random walks to model finite-size particle diffusion in granular porous media; DOI 10.1007/s10035-016-0694-1
L. Huang, X. Ran and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 94, 062906 (2016) (also
Vertical dynamics of a horizontally-oscillating active object in a 2D granular medium
R. Blumenfeld, S. Amitai, J.F. Jordan and R. Hihinashvili, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 148001 (2016) (also
On the failure of the volume function in granular statistical mechanics and an alternative formulation
T. Matsushima and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 098003 (2014) (also
On universal structural characteristics of granular packs /
R. Blumenfeld, J. F. Jordan and S. F. Edwards, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 238001 (2012)
Inter-dependence of the volume and stress ensembles and equipartition in statistical mechanics of granular systems /
R. Blumenfeld, Sam F. Edwards and M. Schwartz, European J. Phys. E 32 , 333-338 (2010)
Da Vinci Fluids, catch-up dynamics and dense granular flow /
G. Frenkel, R. Blumenfeld, P. R. King and M. Blunt, Adv. Eng. Mat. 11 , 169-176 (2009)
Topological Analysis of Foams and Tetrahedral Structures /
R. Blumenfeld and S. F. Edwards, J. Phys. Chem. B 113 , 3981-3987, (2009)
On granular stress statistics: compactivity, angoricity and some open issues /
M. Gerritsen, G. Kreiss, R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 098001 (2008)
Stress chain solutions in two-dimensional isostatic granular systems: fabric-dependent paths, leakage and branching /
R. Blumenfeld and S. F. Edwards, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 089402 (2007)
Blumenfeld and Edwards Reply to Comment on "Granular Entropy: Explicit Calculations for Planar Assemblies"
R. Blumenfeld, Biophysical Journal 91, 1970-1983 (2006)
Isostaticity and controlled force transmission in the cytoskeleton - a model awaiting experimental evidence / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld, Molecular Simulation 31, 867-871 (2005)
Auxetic strains - insight from iso-auxetic materials /
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Eur. Phys. J. E 19, 23-30 (2006)
Geometric partition functions of cellular systems: Explicit calculation of the entropy in two and three dimensions /
R. Blumenfeld, S. F. Edwards and R. C. Ball, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 17, S2481-S2487 (2005); cond-mat/0105348
Granular matter and the marginally rigid state /
R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 108301 (2004); cond-mat/0402556,
Stresses in granular systems and emergence of force chains /
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 361, 731 (2003); cond-mat/0301562
From Plasticity to a renormalisation group /
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 114303 (2003)
Granular entropy: Explicit calculations for planar assemblies /
R. Blumenfeld, Euro. Phys. J. B 29, 261-263 (2002)
Dynamics of twists on antiferromagnetic spin chains: Theory / Abstract
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 115505 (2002)
The stress field in granular systems: Loop forces and potential formulation / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld, Macromolecules 33, 1082 (2000)
Pulling a chain's leg: The pullout dynamics of entangled chains / Abstract
(Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5)
R. Blumenfeld, Phase Transitions 69, 237-245 (1999)
Hierarchical structure of domain walls in magnetic layers / Abstract
R. Balakrishnan and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Lett. A 237, 69 (1997)
On the twist excitations in a classical anisotropic antiferromagnetic chain / Abstract
R. Balakrishnan and R. Blumenfeld, J. Math. Phys. 38, 5878 (1997)
Transformation of general curve evolution to a modified Belavin-Polyakov equation / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld and Benoit B. Mandelbrot, Phys. Rev. E 56, 112 (1997)
Mass fractal lacunarity, Lèvy dusts, Mittag-Leffler statistics, and perceived dimension / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1203 (1997)
Planar curve representation of many-body system dynamics / Abstract
B. L. Holian, R. Blumenfeld and P. Gumbsch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 78 (1997)
An Einstein model of brittle crack propagation / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3703 (1996)
Nonequilibrium brittle fracture propagation: Steady state, oscillations and intermittency / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, Phys. Rev. E 51, 3434 (1995)
Two dimensional Laplacian growth as a system of creating and annihilating particles / Abstract
Prof. Rafi Blumenfeld:
Gonville and Caius College, Trinity St., Cambridge CB2 1TA, UK
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