I. Publications in primary journals
Caution: the following list is not always up to date; my official CV is usually updated first.
For a citation list and citation-, H- and i-indices, see Google Scholar citations.
My publications on ORCID can be viewed at
- R. Blumenfeld and A. Aharony, Nonlinear resistor fractal networks, topological distances, singly connected bonds and fluctuations
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 18, L443-L448 (1985)
R. Blumenfeld, Y. Meir, A. B. Harris and A. Aharony, Infinite set of exponents describing physics on fractal networks J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.19, L791-L796 (1986)
Y. Meir, R. Blumenfeld, A. Aharony and A. B. Harris, Series analysis of randomly diluted nonlinear resistor networks Phys. Rev. B 34, 3424-3428 (1986)
R. Blumenfeld, Y. Meir, A. Aharony and A. B. Harris, Resistance fluctuations in randomly diluted networks Phys. Rev. B 35, 3524-3535 (1987)
R. Blumenfeld and D. J. Bergman, Fluid flow in a random porous medium: A network model and effective medium approximation J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1616-1621 (1987)
Y. Meir, R. Blumenfeld, A. B. Harris and A. Aharony, Series analysis of randomly diluted nonlinear networks with negative nonlinearity exponent Phys. Rev. B 36, 3950-3952 (1987)
R. Blumenfeld, Probability densities of homogeneous functions: Explicit approximation and applications to percolating networks J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 21, 815-825 (1988)
U. Sivan, R. Blumenfeld, Y. Meir and O. Entin-Wohlman, Dynamic structure factor of a deterministic fractal Europhys. Lett. 7, 249-253 (1988)
A. Aharony, R. Blumenfeld, P. Breton, B. Fourcade, A. B. Harris, Y. Meir and A. -M. S. Tremblay, Negative moments of currents in percolating resistor networks Phys. Rev. B 40, 7318 (1989)
R. Blumenfeld and D. J. Bergman, Nonlinear dielectrics: electrostatics of random media and propagation of waves in a homogeneous slab Physica A 157, 428-436 (1989)
R. Blumenfeld and A. Aharony, Breakdown of multifractal behaviour in diffusion limited aggregates Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2977-2980 (1989)
R. Blumenfeld, Universality and superuniversality of multifractals in nonlinear networks J. Stat. Phys. 56, 233-241 (1989)
R. Blumenfeld and D. J. Bergman, Exact calculation to second order of the effective dielectric constant of a strongly nonlinear composite Phys. Rev. B 40, 1987-1989 (1989)
O. Entin-Wohlman, U. Sivan, R. Blumenfeld and Y. Meir, Dynamic structure factor of fractals Physica D 38, 93-97 (1989)
R. Blumenfeld, Novel flux solutions in nonlinear continuum systems with negative dynamic resistance Physica A 168, 697-704 (1990)
R. Blumenfeld, Phase coherence oscillation of holes in La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4}, dynamics of single holes in the CuO plane and the typical pairing time Physica A 168, 705-713 (1990)
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, Universal scaling of the stress field at the vicinity of a wedge crack in two dimensions and oscillatory self-similar corrections to scaling Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1784-1787 (1990)
R. Blumenfeld and A. Aharony (Reply), Breakdown of multifractal behaviour in diffusion limited aggregates Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1843 (1990)
G. Corsten, C. Liem, R. Blumenfeld and N. Jan, Pairing of holes via vortex/antivortex attraction in doped La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4} J. de Physique 51, 2229-2233 (1990)
R. Blumenfeld, Geometrical correlations and the origin of x values at the maximum and intersects of T{c}(x) in La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4} J. de Physique 1, 159-166 (1991)
R. Blumenfeld and D. J. Bergman, Nonlinear susceptibilities of granular matter Phys. Rev. B 43, 13682-13683 (1991)
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, Exact results on exponential screening in two-dimensional diffusion limited aggregation Phys. Rev. A 44, R828-R831 (1991)
R. Blumenfeld, The functional form of the T{c}(x) line in the phase diagram of high temperature superconductors Physica C 178, 119-124 (1991)
R. C. Ball, P. W. H. Barker and R. Blumenfeld, Sidebranch selection in fractal growth Euro. Phys. Lett. 16, 47-52 (1991)
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, Onset of scale-invariant pattern in growth processes: The cracking problem Physica A 177, 407-415 (1991)
R. Blumenfeld and D. J. Bergman, Strongly nonlinear composite dielectrics: a method for exact solution for the potential field and effective bulk properties Phys. Rev. B 44, 7378-7386 (1991)
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, Onset of scaling behaviour in 2D slow cracking Modern Phys. Lett. B 5, 1567-1573 (1991)
R. Blumenfeld, An exact solution for electromagnetic waves in strongly nonlinear media J. Phys. A; Math. Gen. 25, L275-L282 (1992)
E. Duering, R. Blumenfeld, D. J. Bergman, A. Aharony and M. Murat, Current distributions in a two-dimensional random-resistor-network J. Stat. Phys. 67, 113-121 (1992)
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, Universal scaling of the stress field at the vicinity of a wedge crack in two dimensions and oscillatory self-similar corrections to scaling Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2254 (1992)
C. Bowen, D. L. Hunter, R. Blumenfeld and N. Jan, Magnetism and high T{c} superconductors J. Physique I France 3, 83-92 (1993)
A. Aharony, R. Blumenfeld and A. B. Harris, The distribution of the logarithms of currents in percolating resistor networks, I. Theory Phys. Rev. B 47, 5756-5769 (1993)
J. Adler, A. Aharony, R. Blumenfeld, A. B. Harris and Y. Meir, The distribution of the logarithms of currents in percolating resistor networks, II. Series expansion Phys. Rev. B 47, 5770-5782 (1993)
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, A probe for morphology and hierarchical correlations in scale invariant structures Phys. Rev. E 47, 2298-2302 (1993)
R. Blumenfeld, Explicitly exact solutions for waves in a family of nonlinear media Physica D 66, 7-13 (1993)
V. Milman, R. Blumenfeld, N. A. Stelmashenko and R. C. Ball, Experimental measurements of the roughness of brittle cracks Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 204 (1993)
R. Blumenfeld and S. Torquato, A coarse-graining procedure to generate and analyze heterogeneous materials: Theory Phys. Rev. E 48, 4492-4500 (1993)
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, Quantifying morphology of scale-invariant structures beyond the fractal dimension Fractals 1, 985-991 (1993)
R. Blumenfeld, Two dimensional Laplacian growth can be mapped onto Hamiltonian dynamics Phys. Lett. A 186, 317-322 (1994); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-93-2800
V. Milman, N. A. Stelmashenko and R. Blumenfeld, Fracture surfaces: A critical review and a morphological analysis of scanning tunneling microscopy measurements Progress in Materials Science 38, 425-474 (1994); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-2812
R. Blumenfeld, Formulating a first-principles statistical theory of growing surfaces in two-dimensional Laplacian fields Phys. Rev. E 50, 2952-2962 (1994); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-93-4338
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, Two dimensional Laplacian growth as a system of creating and annihilating particles Phys. Rev. E 51, 3434-3443 (1995); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-2466
R. Blumenfeld, Pattern formation in Laplacian growth: Theory Center for Nonlinear Studies Newsletter 112, April (1995); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LALP-95-012
R. Blumenfeld, Nonequilibrium brittle fracture propagation: Steady state, oscillations and intermittency, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3703-3706 (1996)
B. L. Holian, R. Blumenfeld and P. Gumbsch, An Einstein model of brittle crack propagation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 78-81 (1997)
R. Blumenfeld, Planar curve representation of many-body system dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1203-1206 (1997)
R. Blumenfeld and Benoit B. Mandelbrot Mass fractal lacunarity, L\'evy dusts, Mittag-Leffler statistics, and perceived dimension, Phys. Rev. E 56, 112-118 (1997)
R. Balakrishnan and R. Blumenfeld, Transformation of general curve evolution to a modified Belavin-Polyakov equation, J. Math. Phys. 38, 5878-5888 (1997)
A.E. Garcia, R. Blumenfeld, G. Hummer and J. A. Krumhansl, Multi-Basin Dynamics of a Protein in a Crystal Environment Physica D 107, 225-239 (1997)
R. Balakrishnan and R. Blumenfeld, On the twist excitations in a classical anisotropic antiferromagnetic chain, Phys. Lett. A 237, 69-72 (1997)
R. Blumenfeld, Dynamics of fracture propagation in the mesoscale: Theory, Theor. and Appl. Fracture Mech. 30, 209-223 (1998)
R. Blumenfeld, Hierarchical structure of domain walls in magnetic layers Phase Transitions, 69, 237-245 (1999)
R. Blumenfeld and R. Balakrishnan, Exact multi-twist solutions to the Belavin-Polyakov equation and applications to magnetic systems, J. Phys. A, 33, 2459-2468 (2000)
R. Blumenfeld, Pulling a chain's leg: The pullout dynamics of entangled chains Macromolecules, 33, 1082-1088 (2000)
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, The stress field in granular systems: Loop forces and potential formulation Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 115505-115508 (2002)
R. Blumenfeld, Dynamics of twists on antiferromagnetic spin chains: Theory, Eur. Phys. J. B 29, 261-263 (2002)
R. Blumenfeld, Stress transmission in planar disordered solid foams J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.36, 2399-2411 (2003); cond-mat/0210336
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, From Plasticity to a renormalisation group, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 361 , 731-740 (2003); cond-mat/0301562
A. J. Bray, T. J. Sluckin, T. McLeish, R. Blumenfeld, E. J. Hinch, R. Magerle, R. C. Ball, Coarsening dynamics of phase-separating systems - discussion, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 361, 791 (2003).
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Granular entropy: Explicit calculations for planar assemblies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 114303-114306 (2003); cond-mat/0303418.
R. Blumenfeld, Large fluctuations of disentanglement forces and implication for polymer dynamics , cond-mat/0108471 (2001).
R. Blumenfeld, Strange dynamics of domain walls and periodic stripes on antiferromagnetic chains, cond-mat/0108470 (2001)
R. Blumenfeld, Stress in planar cellular solids and isostatic granular assemblies: Coarse-graining the constitutive equation", Physica A 336, 361-368 (2004); cond-mat/0312313
R. Blumenfeld, Stresses in granular systems and emergence of force chains, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 108301-108304 (2004); cond-mat/0402556
R. Blumenfeld, S. F. Edwards and R. C. Ball, Granular matter and the marginally rigid state, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 17, S2481-S2487 (2005); cond-mat/0105348
R. Blumenfeld, Auxetic strains - insight from iso-auxetic materials, Molecular Simulation 31, 867-871 (2005).
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Geometric partition functions of cellular systems: Explicit calculation of the entropy in two and three dimensions, Eur. Phys. J. E 19 , 23-30 (2006).
R. Blumenfeld , Isostaticity and controlled force transmission in the cytoskeleton - a model awaiting experimental evidence, Biophys. J. 91, 1970-1983 (2006).
R. Blumenfeld , Stresses in two-dimensional isostatic granular systems: Exact solutions, New J. Phys. 9, (2007) 160.
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Blumenfeld and Edwards Reply to Comment on "Granular Entropy: Explicit Calculations for Planar Assemblies", Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 089402 (2007)
M. Gerritsen, G. Kreiss, R. Blumenfeld, Stress chain solutions in two-dimensional isostatic granular systems: fabric-dependent paths, leakage and branching, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 098001 (2008).
G. Frenkel, R. Blumenfeld, G. Zdenek and P. R. King, Structural characterization and statistical properties of two-dimensional granular systems, Phys. Rev. E 77 , 041304 (2008).
M. Gerritsen, G. Kreiss, R. Blumenfeld, Analysis of stresses in two-dimensional isostatic granular systems, Physica A 387, 6263-6276 (2008).
R. Blumenfeld and S. F. Edwards, On granular stress statistics: compactivity, angoricity and some open issues, J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 3981-3987 (2009).
G. Frenkel, R. Blumenfeld, P. R. King and M. Blunt, Topological Analysis of Foams and Tetrahedral Structures, Adv. Eng. Mat. 11 , 169-176 (2009).
R. Blumenfeld, Sam F. Edwards and M. Schwartz, Da Vinci Fluids, catch-up dynamics and dense granular flow, European J. Phys. E 32 , 333-338 (2010).
M. Schwartz and R. Blumenfeld, Plug flow formation and growth in da Vinci Fluids, Granular Matter 13 , 241-245 (2011).
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Theory of strains in auxetic materials, J. Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism25 , 565 (2012);
DOI: 10.1007/s10948-012-1464-x; also in arXiv:cond-mat/1111.6684 (
R. Hihinashvili and R. Blumenfeld, Structural-entropic characteristics of dense planar granular systems, Granular Matter 14 , 277-282 (2012);
DOI: 10.1007/s10035-012-0332-5.
R. Blumenfeld, J. F. Jordan and Sam F. Edwards, Inter-dependence of the volume and stress ensembles and equipartition in statistical mechanics of granular systems, Phys. Rev. Lett.109 , 238001 (2012); (
T. Matsushima and R. Blumenfeld, On universal structural characteristics of granular packs, Phys. Rev. Lett.112 , 098003 (2014);
R. Blumenfeld and Sam F. Edwards, Granular statistical mechanics - a personal perspective, Euro. Phys. J.223 , 2189-2204 (2014);
DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2014-02258-y.
R. Blumenfeld, Professor Sir Sam F. Edwards FLSW FRS FIMA (1928-2015), Mathematics TODAY , August Issue (2015).
R. Blumenfeld, S. Amitai, J.F. Jordan and R. Hihinashvili, On the failure of the volume function in granular statistical mechanics and an alternative formulation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 148001 (2016);
L. Huang, X. Ran and R. Blumenfeld, Vertical dynamics of a horizontally-oscillating active object in a 2D granular medium, Phys. Rev. E 94 , 062906 (2016); (
R. Blumenfeld, Structural evolution of granular systems: Theory (2014),
R. Blumenfeld, Statistical mechanics of dense granular fluids - contacts as quasi-particles, Phys. Rev. Lett. , submitted; (
S. Amitai and R. Blumenfeld, Modifying continuous-time random walks to model finite-size particle diffusion in granular porous media, J. Gran. Matt. 19, 1-9 (2017); DOI 10.1007/s10035-016-0694-1;
T. Matsushima and R. Blumenfeld, Fundamental structural characteristics of planar granular assemblies: self-organisation and scaling away friction and initial state, Phys. Rev. E 95 , 032905 (2017);
R. Blumenfeld, M.E. Cates and M. Warner, Report on International workshop: Soft Matter - Theoretical and Industrial Challenges, celebrating the pioneering work of Sir Sam Edwards, J. Appl. Rheology 27, 46 (2017);
R. Blumenfeld and J. Ma, Bending back stress chains and unique behaviour of granular matter in cylindrical geometries, J. Gran. Matt.19:29 (2017); DOI 10.1007/s10035-017-0707-8 (
R. Blumenfeld, S. Amitai, J.F. Jordan and R. Hihinashvili, Reply to comment on "On the failure of the volume function in granular statistical mechanics and an alternative formulation", Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 039802 (2017).
S. Amitai and R. Blumenfeld, Affine and topological structural entropies in granular statistical mechanics: explicit calculations and equation of state, Phys. Rev. E 95, 052905 (2017);
S. Amitai, A. Bertei and R. Blumenfeld, Theory-based design of sintered granular composites triples three-phase boundary in fuel cells, Phys. Rev. E 96, 052903 (2017);
Cheng Qi, Ran Xian-Wen, Liu Ping, Tang Wen-Hui, and R. Blumenfeld, Numerical simulation of a spinning sphere moving in granular matter, Acta Physica Sinica 67, 014702 (2018). DOI: 10.7498/aps.66.014702.
W. Kang, Y. Feng, C. Liu and R. Blumenfeld, Archimedes' law explains penetration of solids into granular media, Nature Comm. 9, 1101 (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03344-3.
C. M. Verstreken, K. J. Chalut and R. Blumenfeld, Equally probable positive and negative Poisson's ratios in disordered planar systems, Soft Matter 14, 6554 - 6560 (2018); DOI: 10.1039/C8SM00717A.
M. Schwartz and R. Blumenfeld, Stress Tensor for Dense Granular Flow in Plug-Free Regions, Phys. Rev. E 98 , 042905 (2018); (
C. Revell, R. Blumenfeld and K. J. Chalut, Force-based three-dimensional model predicts mechanical drivers of cell sorting, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 286, 20182495 (2019).
Y-J. Feng, R. Blumenfeld and C. Liu, Support of Modified Archimedes' Law Theory in Granular Media, Soft Matter 15, 3008 (2019); DOI: 10.1039/C8SM02480D (2019).
R. Blumenfeld, The unusual problem of upscaling isostaticity theory for granular matter, Granular Matter 22, 38 (2020);
C.C. Wanjura, P.A. Gago, T. Matsushima, R. Blumenfeld, Structural Evolution of Granular Systems: Theory, Granular Matter 22, 91 (2020);;
A. Yanagida, C. Revell, G. Stirparo, S. Achouri, D. Cassani, R. Blumenfeld, K. Franze, E. Paluch, J. Nichols, K. Chalut, FGF-mediated cell surface fluctuations drive early embryonic lineage segregation, bioRxiv 2020.08.16.250084; doi:
P. Liu, X. Ran, R. Blumenfeld, Sink-rise dynamics of horizontally oscillating active matter in granular media: Theory,;
X. Sun, W. Kob, R. Blumenfeld, H. Tong, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, Friction-controlled entropy-stability competition in granular systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 268005 (2020);
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.268005;
P. Liu, X. Ran, Q. Cheng, W. Tang, J. Zhou, R. Blumenfeld, Locomotion of Self-Excited Vibrating and Rotating Objects in Granular Environments, MDPI Applied Science 11, 2054 (2021) (DOI:
J. He, R. Blumenfeld, H. Zhu, Mechanical Behaviors of Sandy Sediments Bearing Pore-Filling Methane Hydrate under Different Intermediate Principal Stress, Int. J. Geomech. , 21(5), 04021043 (2021); DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001965.
R. Blumenfeld, Disorder Criterion and Explicit Solution for the Disc Random Packing Problem, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 118002 (2021);
arXiv:2106.11774 [math-ph].
T. Matsushima, R. Blumenfeld, Statistical properties of cell stresses in 2D granular solids, EPJ Web Conf., 249, 02006 (2021);
X. Jiang, T. Matsushima, R. Blumenfeld, Structural characteristics of ordered clusters in packs of ellipses, EPJ Web Conf., 249, 06004 (2021);
R. Blumenfeld, Erratum: Disorder Criterion and Explicit Solution for the Disc Random Packing Problem, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 259901 (2021).
X. Sun, Yinqiao Wang, Yujie Wang, R. Blumenfeld, J. Zhang, Experimental evidence of detailed balance in granular systems, , submitted (2021);
R. Blumenfeld, Sub-anomalous diffusion and unusual velocity distribution evolution in cooling granular gases: theory, Journal xxx, (2021);
arXiv:2111.06260 [gen-ph].
R. Blumenfeld, Comment on "Explicit analytical solution for random close packing in d=2 and d=3" PRL 128, 028002 (2022), , (2022).
X. Jiang, R. Blumenfeld, T. Matsushima, Coordinated Stress-Structure Self-Organization in Granular Packing, Journal xxx, submitted (2022);
X. Wang, R. Blumenfeld, X.-Q. Feng, D. A. Weitz, Phase transitions in bacteria - From structural transitions in free living bacteria to phenotypic transitions in bacteria within biofilms, Physics of Life Reviews 43, 98 (2022);
DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2022.09.004.
A. D. C. Myhill, R. Blumenfeld, Steady states of two-dimensional granular systems are unique, stable, and sometimes satisfy detailed balance, J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 345001 (2023);
Paula A. Gago, Marcos A. Madrid, Stefan Boettcher, Raphael Blumenfeld, Peter King, Effect of bevelled silo outlet in the flow rate during discharge, Powder Technology 428, 118842 (2023);
R. Blumenfeld, Granular solids transmit stress as two-phase composites, Phys. Rev. E 109, 014901 (2024);
Chenyang Huang, Yang Yu, Peter R. King, Bin Cheng, Raphael Blumenfeld, Structure-dependent fragmentation risk of rubble-pile asteroids on low-impacts, Phys. Rev. Lett. , submitted (2024);
Clara C. Wanjura, Amelie Mayländer, Othmar Marti, Raphael Blumenfeld, Detailed balance in non-equilibrium dynamics of granular matter: derivation and implications, Journal X , preprint (2024);
Dominik Krengel, Haoran Jiang, Takashi Matsushima, Raphael Blumenfeld, Effects of particle angularity on granular self-organization, Phys. Rev. E , submitted (2025);
II. Contributions to symposia and compiled volumes
- R. Blumenfeld and A. Aharony,
Nolinear resistor fractal networks in Scaling phenomena in disordered systems, eds. R. Pynn and A. Skjeltorp (Plenum, 1985)
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, Universally correlated scale-invariant sidebranching in propagation of a two-dimensional cracking growth, in Correlations and connectivity, eds. H. E. Stanley and N. Ostrowsky (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1990)
G. Corsten, C. Liem, R. Blumenfeld, N. Jan and C. Bowen, Vortex-antivortex pairing of holes in frustrated XY spin systems, in Correlations and connectivity, eds. H. E. Stanley and N. Ostrowsky (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1990)
R. C. Ball and R. Blumenfeld, Universal scaling of the stress field generated by a two dimensional wedge crack and periodic self-similar corrections to scaling, EPS-8 meeting "Trends in Physics", ed. F. Pleiter (1990)
R. Blumenfeld, N. Jan, G. Corsten and C. Liem, Evidence for vortex/antivortex mediated pairing of holes in doped La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4} and a possible mechanism for the holes movement, EPS-8 meeting "Trends in Physics", ed. F. Pleiter (1990)
R. Blumenfeld, Novel flux solutions in nonlinear conducting continuum systems with negative dynamic resistance, EPS-8 meeting "Trends in Physics", ed. F. Pleiter (1990)
R. Blumenfeld, Towards a theory of growing surfaces: Mapping Laplacian growth onto Hamiltonian dynamics and statistics, in Fluctuations and Order: The New Synthesis, ed. M. M. Millonas (Springer-Verlag, 1996); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-93-3591
R. Blumenfeld, A morphological theory for Laplacian nonlinear growth processes via statistics of equivalent many-body systems, in Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS94), eds. V.G. Makhankov, A.R. Bishop and D.D. Holm (World Scientific, 1995); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-3528
R. Blumenfeld, A theory for growing interfaces in Laplacian fields: a many-body formulation and statistical analysis, 1994 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA; Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-2076
R. Blumenfeld, A theory for the morphology of Laplacian growths from statistics of equivalent many-body hamiltonian systems, in Fractal Reviews in the Natural and Applied Sciences, ed. M. M. Novak (Chapman-Hill, 1995); Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-2077
R. Blumenfeld and Robin C. Ball, Characterization of fractal and hierarchical morphologies beyond the fractal dimension, 1994 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
S. Zhou, R. Blumenfeld, B. L. Holian and P. S. Lomdahl, Study of fiber composite failure, 1995 MRS Fall Meeting
A. E. Garcia, R. Blumenfeld, G. Hummer and J. Sobehart, Diffusion of a protein in configuration space, in Biological Structure and Dynamics, Vol. 1: eds. R.H. Sarma and M.H. Sarma
R. Blumenfeld, Stress transmission and isostatic states of non-rigid particulate systems, in IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 141, pp 235-246: Modeling of Soft Matter, eds. Maria-Carme T. Calderer and Eugene M. Terentjev, (Springer-Verlag 2005); (Also: arXiv:cond-mat/0501700 [cond-mat.soft])
S. F. Edwards and R. Blumenfeld, Basic laws of granular materials, in Physics of Granular Materials, ed. A. Mehta (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007) / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld and P. R. King, Entropy-mediated structure-permeability relations in skeletal porous materials, CMWR XVI 2006 - Computational Methods in Water Resources XVI International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark / Abstract
R. Blumenfeld, On entropic characterization of granular materials , in Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, pp 43-53, eds. T. Aste, A. Tordesillas and T. D. Matteo (World Scientific 2008, Singapore) (See publisher site)/ Abstract
G. Frenkel, R. Blumenfeld, P. R. King and M. Blunt, Topological analysis of foams and tetrahedral structures, in Proceedings of MetFoam 2007 - Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams, Montreal, Canada.
R. Blumenfeld, Stress transmission and incipient yield flow in dense granular materials, in IUTAM-ISIMM Symposium on Mathematical Modeling and Physical Instances of Granular Flows, pp 167-182, eds. J. Goddard, P. Giovine and J. Jenkins (AIP Publications, Melville New York, 2010).
R. Hihinashvili and R. Blumenfeld, Structural characterization of porous and granular materials, in Proceedings of XVIII International Conference on Water Resources CMWR 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
R. Hihinashvili and R. Blumenfeld, Structural Characterization of Porous and Granular Materials, in Proceedings of 16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery 2011, Cambridge, UK.
R. Blumenfeld, J. F. Jordan and S. F. Edwards, Granular statistical mechanics: volume-stress phase space, equipartition and equations of state, Powders and Grains 2013, 325-328, doi: 10.1063/1.4811933.
T. Matsushima and R. Blumenfeld, Microstructural characteristics of planar granular solids, Powders and Grains 2013, 1186-1189, doi: 10.1063/1.4812149.
R. Blumenfeld, S. F. Edwards and S. M. Walley, Granular systems, in The Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter, pp 167, Eds. E.M. Terentjev and D.A. Weitz, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2015); ISBN-13: 978-0-19-966792-5.
III. Abstracts and short papers
- R. Blumenfeld,
Sprouting spikes New Scientist Letters 1795, 58 (16 November 1991).
R. Blumenfeld and R. C. Ball, A morphological correlator for scale-invariant and hierarchical structures Bulletin of the American Physical Society 39, 141 (1994). Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-0701.
R. Blumenfeld, First-principles formulation of a theory for growing surfaces in Laplacian fields: Mapping the growth onto Hamiltonian dynamics and statistical analysis of the surface Bulletin of the American Physical Society 39, 80 (1994). Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-94-0700.
R. Blumenfeld, Oscillations and steady state in crack propagation Bulletin of the American Physical Society (1995).
R. Blumenfeld, Morphology of Laplacian growth: Theory Bulletin of the American Physical Society (1995).
R. Blumenfeld, Review of analyses of fracture roughness 1995 MRS Fall Meeting.
R. Blumenfeld, A minimal model for crack propagation in amorphous materials 1995 MRS Fall Meeting.
R. Blumenfeld and A. B. Saxena, Wrinkling and magneto-active control in single-wall carbon nanotubes 1998 MRS Fall Meeting.
R Blumenfeld and R C Ball, Loop forces and potential formulation of stress transmission in granular media 2000 CMMP, Bristol, UK.
R C Ball and R Blumenfeld, The Marginally Rigid State of Matter and its Hydrodyanmics 2000 CMMP, Bristol, UK.
IV. Papers in preparation or in the drawer for lack of time to finish
The following are drafts at various stages of preparation. Apologies if some of the titles come across as a bit flippant - I usually finalise the title only after the last draft is finished. On some of them, marked by an asterisk (*), there is hardly any progress due to time limitations. They all await only figures, references, and editing to cross the finishing line. In exchange for help with that I will put you as a coauthor. If you are interested in such an easy coauthorship on any of those manuscripts please let me know.
- R. Blumenfeld, Continuous stress theory of Statically Determinate Systems.
(i) Soft matter: polymers, colloids, granular materials and cellular systems
- R. Blumenfeld, Stress-structure coupling in cell statistical mechanics.
- R. Blumenfeld, Statistical mechanics of dinner conversations.
- A. Myhill, R. Blumenfeld, Superfluid planar granular systems and their dynamics.
- R. Blumenfeld, Generating unfrustrated disc dynamics with minimum energy dissipation.
- C. Huang, Y. Yu, R. Blumenfeld, P. R. King, B. Cheng, R. Blumenfeld, Force chains bias the dynamic response to impacts in rubble-pile asteroids.
- R. Blumenfeld, X. Wang, Bacterial colony growth dynamics: from incubation to death.
- R. Blumenfeld, T. Matsushima, J. Zhang, Self-organization, detailed balance, and stress-structure correlations in 2D granular dynamics.
- R. Blumenfeld, D.K. Georgiou Toward the densest possible numerically generated random packing of bi-disperse discs in d=2.
- R. Blumenfeld, Random close packing fraction of bi-disperse discs: theory and exact solution.
- H. Cooray, R. Blumenfeld, The sphere random close packing problem:
a systematic derivation of upper bounds.
- R. Blumenfeld, Theory of stress transmission in three-dimensional isostatic granular systems.
- R. Blumenfeld*,
Disentaglement dynamics and applications to deformations in polymer glasses and interfaces.
- R. Blumenfeld*,
On quantifying a failure criterion for glassy and solid polymers.
(ii) Magnetism, domain wall dynamics
Position dependent velocities of twists along inhomogeneous antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chains.
R. Blumenfeld*, Textures in two-dimensional ferromagnetic Heisenberg systems.
R. Blumenfeld and A. B. Saxena, Wrinkling and magneto-active control in single-wall carbon nanotubes.
R. Blumenfeld and Avadh Saxena Exact multi-twist solutions for Heisenberg spins on an elastically deformable cylinder.
(iii) Miscellaneous
A variational algorithm for the minimal path length in random networks.
Prof. Rafi Blumenfeld:
Gonville and Caius College, Trinity St., Cambridge CB2 1TA, UK
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